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Circular Economy Revolution: How Does Gegan Drive the Shift towards a Sustainable Future?

2 min read

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“Sustainable future”; we hear that phrase or a variation of it a lot lately. It’s thrown into plenty of marketing campaigns as buzz words, ticking off a box without any real thought or action behind it. 

You may be looking at our website and wondering the same thing about us. We talk the talk, our branding all points to green but how do we walk the walk? Well stick around, we’re going to fill you in on exactly how we’re driving a shift towards a more sustainable future. 

First things first; what is a circular economy? 

The circular economy revolution is here! Great, “what the heck does that even mean?” we hear you cry. 

Humans have created a linear economy that takes, makes, and wastes in a world where the natural system is circular. Mother Earth has created a natural balance where everything is kept in constant flow and use, regenerating the overall system. Humans have quite literally trashed all over that.  

Right, so how are Gegan closing the loop and minimising waste? 

The key driving force behind Gegan (it’s even included in our branding!) is our mission to turn waste into resource. We go beyond just recycling, we’re striving to be innovative with what we do with waste. This includes everything from sourcing local anaerobic digestion facilities to working directly with our clients on strategies they can use to generate less waste overall. 

We’re not here to line our pockets. We’re here to create the most cost effective and environmentally friendly solutions for our customers and the planet. Plus, we’re fully licensed by the Environment Agency and provide paper trails, not only guaranteeing legal compliance, but meaning we can show you exactly what happens to your waste. No vague recycling claims or choking turtles over here, thank you very much. 

Where does collaboration come into this? 

We recognise that true change requires collaboration. Not only do we work closely with external recycling businesses like bio-diesel refineries and animal feed specialists, but we also foster long lasting relationships with our customers. 

We aren’t some moody nameless ‘man in a van’ types who turn up once a week and haul your rubbish off to who knows where. Instead, each of our customers is assigned an account manager, we head over to our customer’s sites for onsite audits where we can really get to know you, and make sure we’re offering the most efficient and sustainable methods for your business. 

We even have a wide range of waste recycling equipment available for purchase or hire. This includes fully factory refurbished machines, which makes it even easier for our customers to minimise waste and recycle it in the right way.  

What are the advantages of joining the circular waste economy revolution?  

Well… there is the obvious one – we don’t totally destroy our world and make it unliveable for humans. We think that is a pretty damn big one. However, there are business benefits too! 

By working with us and getting assigned your own account manager, they will work directly with you, offering actionable insights on how you can reduce waste within your business. Less waste means you’re paying less waste disposal costs – told you we’re not just about lining our pockets.  Our prices are competitive and affordable, and we offer nationwide coverage along with handling specialist industries. No matter what your business is, we can help you to produce less waste and recycle more efficiently. 

Moreover, sustainability has become a growing concern amongst consumers who are increasingly seeking eco-friendly products and services, and only buying from businesses who can prove their eco-credentials. By working with Gegan, you can boost your businesses environmental status with claims you can back-up, enhance your reputation and increase your customer base. 

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We'll take away the stress of managing your waste management and recycling, giving you back the time to focus on running your business.

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