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Are You Disposing Of Rubbish Properly Or Wasting Money On An Expensive Haulier?

3 min read

Newsflash – waste hauliers aren’t die-hard eco-warriors; they just want to get the job done.

A common mistake that many people make is the assumption that bin men, or waste hauliers, give a shit about where your rubbish ends up. A waste haulier is paid to collect waste from your home or business, drive as little as possible to an off-site waste management facility, dump the rubbish there, jump back in the van and repeat. They generally don’t care what happens next, or who comes along to pick it up and sort it out.

They’ve done what they need to do.

It’s not a haulier’s job to consider the environmental impact of your waste

You may think you’re doing the most affordable and environmentally acceptable thing by having somebody come and collect your waste, but it’s your responsibility to make sure that the waste they’re collecting isn’t going to end up in landfill. If you have recyclable waste, you need to be making sure that the haulier is disposing of it at a recycling centre for sorting and recycling, rather than being chucked in a tip, or worse yet, mixed with other waste and ending up in a landfill.

Once the rubbish is collected, it’s forgotten about. Out of sight, out of mind and all that crap. People throw things away because they no longer need them, so the chances of somebody remembering how many Amazon boxes or empty bottles of wine they’ve put in the recycling bin is close to 0. Who cares if the haulier doesn’t actually dispose of the waste in an eco-friendly way as long as it’s not on your property anymore, right?

This approach is literally killing our planet. We only have one – and it’s dying.

We have to grow up and take ownership of what we’re using on a day-to-day basis and make the right choices for the environment before there’s nothing left. It’s nobody else’s responsibility but our own.

You’re paying more for hauliers to kill the planet

At Gegan GEM, we take the time to understand your needs and can offer the most appropriate services to improve your environmental impact whilst saving you time and money. We always use the closest appropriate disposal points and prioritise value over expense. If the haulier doesn’t dispose of the waste quickly and instead is instructed to collect waste from multiple locations per day, then your waste is going to be on the road for hours, racking up road miles as it travels from one end of the country to the next.

Haulage companies masquerading as waste management companies are benefitting from your waste, not you.

Haulage companies charge per collection and by weight.

To make waste haulage profitable, drivers collect as much as they can and cash the waste in at the end of the day by weight. This money covers the driver, the fuel used, the tipping costs, and then goes straight into the pockets of the CEO. You’re effectively fuelling haulage companies with your waste.

These companies, like many others, charge their customers much more than what they have to spend to deliver their services. As waste management is vital, big corporations pay whatever the cost to get waste taken off their hands.

So many waste companies have hidden values

People don’t currently care enough to look into haulage companies and what they really stand for before signing up. Not all hauliers are created equal, and prices can vary significantly from one company to another. Money shouldn’t be the deciding factor here. It’s worth spending just that little longer to compare values, company background, environmental impact and most importantly reputation to avoid paying somebody large amounts of money to throw your rubbish in a skip.

At Gegan, we offer a personal touch with dedicated account managers pro

viding you with one, hassle-free point of contact and by building long-term relationships, we get to know you and your business. We aim to provide a zero waste to landfill solution and use local facilities wherever possible to save you up to 40% on your business waste costs whilst helping to achieve zero waste to landfill.

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We'll take away the stress of managing your waste management and recycling, giving you back the time to focus on running your business.

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