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Our Zero Waste Vision: How does our vision impact what we do every day?

1 min read

zero waste symbol in front of grass

Do you ever stop and think about the amount of waste we produce? From packaging to food, to tools and fabric, a culture of consumerism has created a linear economy on a planet that has a natural circular system.  

Picture this instead: a world where waste is responsibly managed, where every discarded item finds its way back into the system, and where landfills become a thing of the past. That’s the utopia zero waste envisions.  

Embracing zero waste isn’t a walk in the park; it requires a colossal shift in our consumerist culture and a determination to break free from the chains of convenience. But by adopting a zero waste mindset, we can minimise waste generation, conserve resources, and protect the environment.  

So, how does our zero waste vision impact everything we do at Gegan on a day-to-day basis? 

Just saying we recycle isn’t enough 

We’ve all heard the generic “we recycle” line before, but what does that even mean? It’s not enough to give a wishy washy statement about recycling that isn’t backed with any real evidence about where the hell that recycling even ends up. Greenwashing is becoming just as much of an issue as the waste itself which is why we strive to be as transparent as possible. 

At Gegan, we’re not only licensed by the Environmental Agency (legit AF), but we also provide a paper trail. This means you know where the waste we manage goes and that we can actually prove it was handled responsibly.  

Plus, we don’t just stop at recycling. We go the extra mile to explore innovative alternatives to waste altogether. Take food waste for example. We source local anaerobic digestion facilities, bio-diesel refineries and animal feed specialists. We’re even looking towards Black Soldier Fly Farming and the benefits these bugs can offer to reduce waste and create a sustainable source of food. 

We’re constantly striving to improve, learn and do more to achieve our zero waste vision so we can help the companies we work with do better too.  

Dedicated account managers that benefit the planet AND our clients 

How do our account managers have anything to do with the planet we hear you cry. By assigning each of our clients a dedicated account manager, it means we learn the ins and outs of our every single one of our clients’ businesses. 

This means we can offer the best solutions for each individual business that will be the most effective for them and the planet. Think reduced travel miles, environmentally friendly disposal options they may never have heard of (be honest, did you know about the bugs?) and expert advice on how they can further reduce waste within their business. 

Generic waste solutions don’t tackle these issues or tailor their service. They can actually be contributing to the problem too, particularly when it comes to inefficient travel routes. To achieve zero waste we need to be mindful of every step of the waste disposal process, and account managers help us do just that. 

Economic and Environmental implications of zero waste 

Let’s talk brass tacks. What’s in it for us—beyond the warm fuzzy feeling of saving the planet? Adopting a zero waste approach brings huge economic and environmental benefits. 

By reducing waste, businesses can cut down on purchasing costs, save on disposal fees, and even generate revenue through recycling and repurposing initiatives. It’s a win-win situation for the bottom line and the planet. 

On the environmental front, the implications of zero waste are quite literally world changing. By diverting waste from landfills, we conserve valuable resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect ecosystems from pollution.  

Remember, zero waste isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress. By ensuring our everyday operations are informed by this vision, we get closer every day to a zero waste future.  

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We'll take away the stress of managing your waste management and recycling, giving you back the time to focus on running your business.

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