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Giving A Shit About Waste Management

4 min read

Out of sight, out of mind is a concept people truly believe when it comes to rubbish. If we can’t see it, it can’t be an issue, right? Wrong!

Wake up. The improper disposal of rubbish is destroying the planet. Literally.

It’s plain to see in the widespread littering of our streets, the open dumping on abandoned roads, and people’s general indifference toward properly disposing of the waste we produce. But in many cases, particularly over the past five years, we can now feel the impact more strongly than we can see it. The planet is burning up, and choking on waste. So, why aren’t we paying more attention to it?

Why we need waste management

The handling and disposal of liquid and solid waste, its treatment, and recycling for further use fall under waste management. Sure, it’s a “yucky” job, but there’s nothing wrong with getting your hands dirty for the greater good.

Do you want to be wading around in your own shit (literally)? Walking down the streets that used to be paved with gold would instead be littered with mouldy food, vape pens, and sludge.

Centuries ago, people used to dispose of their waste by throwing it out of a window onto the street below or digging a hole in the ground and dumping it there. This waste disposal technique only ‘worked’ because waste production was less due to the smaller population. But now, due to the growing number of people, waste production has drastically increased making disposal difficult. The waste produced includes non-biodegradable and inorganic elements. If this waste is disposed of in landfills, it will decompose unnaturally and will take a lot of time, and produce a lot of chemicals.

Luckily, there’s an easy fix; waste management. This allows users to efficiently and properly dispose of all kinds of waste, without making the planet suffer.

Why is waste management important

Waste can be recycled if collected and managed efficiently. Waste materials such as plastic, glass, and paper can be segregated into different sections in order to process them to make new products which will save natural resources.

When this waste is not recycled, it usually ends up in landfills or oceans posing threat to human health and marine life. According to World Wildlife Fund (WWF) an estimated 8 million ton of plastic ends up in oceans each year. Is it not enough to think about the turtles? Well, on average people could be ingesting around 5 grams of plastic every week, which is the equivalent weight of a credit card. Want fries with that?

You’re throwing away, and burning, money

When you pay no attention to your waste management, you’re throwing away money. Waste shouldn’t be seen as just “stuff” to be chucked away but a product with economic value that isn’t being used as it should. Waste management strategies let us see the type of waste we generate, and the best way to process it. Your rubbish can be used to power your office, but instead, you dump it – haven’t you seen the energy prices?! Our landfills are overflowing with lost cash that selfish people chose to leave behind, don’t be like them.

Some individuals will want to remain non-compliant in order to “save money”. Illegal waste sites or fly-tipping is evidently cheaper than legitimate waste disposal because it doesn’t work within the proper environmental or lawful regulations.

While it’s cheaper, it’s never worth it. Not only do people get caught, such as a company in Hertfordshire that was fined over half a million pounds after illegally storing tonnes of combustible waste, but it’s destroying the planet. What’s a couple of hundred pounds saved, versus the future of our planet and our children?

Education then implementation

One of the first causes of poor waste management is a lack of awareness within businesses and poor attitudes towards waste. Often, when something is at the end of its use, it’s binned without a second thought.

According to the Waste Resources Action Programme (WRAP), businesses produce a quarter of all of England’s waste.


Professionals in any industry need to realise that simply because something has come to the end of its “life”, doesn’t mean it can be discarded without proper management.

It takes management-level investment to create a good waste management strategy. Without the right enthusiasm or determination, it can be impossible to solve any issues.

Similarly, without the right awareness of the effects of poor waste management on both the environment and human health, it can be hard to find any motivation or reason to put time and effort into waste management. Some employees won’t even know about the kind of financial benefits the right waste management strategy or system can bring. Educate them, then implement the processes.

Don’t be a prick. Start giving a shit about waste management, and contact us today to get started.

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We'll take away the stress of managing your waste management and recycling, giving you back the time to focus on running your business.

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